

Join ICDE’s thriving community of educational leaders. All individuals engaged in online, open, and flexible education are welcome to apply for individual membership.


In the ICDE Strategic Plan 2021-2024, ICDE’s vision is to “To achieve the potential of Open, Flexible, and Distance Learning created through our members and learning communities”.

Key membership benefits include:

  • Access to the vibrant ICDE global community engaged in achieving the potential of Open, Flexible, and Distance Learning. It includes a hands-on experience in the governance of ICDE, high level global expert groups, ICDE projects and publications, for instance.

  • Opportunity to participate in ICDE and partners events with discounted registration fee.

  • Curated content, knowledge exchange and visibility in the ICDE Newsletter (14.000 subscribers), Social Networks channels, website and peer reviewed ICDE scholarly journal Open Praxis, for instance.

  • Chance to join ICDE’s action towards the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development through key partners, such as UNESCO.

  • Potential nomination to ICDE and international partner’s Prizes and recognitions.

Application Timeline


Step 1: Fill Out the Application Form (Time Estimate: 5min)

Applications are accepted year-round. Keep in mind to:

Provide the most accurate information about yourself so we can contact you properly.

Let us know about your interest in ICDE so we can best serve you.



Step 2: Pay Membership Fee (Time Estimate: 5min)

After submitting your application, you will be provided with payment instructions and taken to a credit card payment page. You can pay the membership fee with a debit card or credit card. Applications are reviewed upon receipt of the membership fee payment.



Step 3: Receive Welcome Letter and/or Request for Additional Information

The ICDE Secretariat may contact you if any key information is missing or if clarification is needed. Upon completion of the application review, the Secretariat sends you an official Welcome Letter with key information about your ICDE individual membership.


Find out more about ICDE’s work and how to get the most out of you ICDE membership:
- Events overview (upcoming, past and guidelines to host one)
- Network and Chairs
- Projects
- Governance
- Knowledge Hub
- Newsletter 
- International partners