Workshop: Open Lab on Open Science and Open Educational Resources (OER)

This workshop was part of the ICDE Virtual Global Conference Week 2021 program and hosted by the ICDE OER Advocacy Committee (OERAC).

Open Science is a relatively new approach to the scientific process based on collaborative work and new ways of disseminating knowledge using digital technologies and new collaborative tools. The open movement is evolving beyond content, i.e., Open Educational Resources (OER), Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and open access, including research, collaboration, recognition, pedagogy, quality, leadership, technology, and strategy. However, over time, many other pillars were added, such as access, technology, and data (Foster, 2017). This combination of pillars became what is now referred to as Open Science. A milestone in the Open Science movement is the preparation of a UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science, aligning with the UNESCO Recommendation on OER (UNESCO, 2019). This recommendation is prepared for adoption by the UNESCO member states in November 2021.


The main focus of this workshop was how Open Science can support the design, implementation, and validation of formal, non-formal and informal learning environments in innovative ways (e.g., under the term Open Innovation). In answering this question, we are moving from an academy-based approach to an integrated stakeholder-based approach that is multi-faceted (appealing to different types of users), multi-channel (using multiple communication channels), and multi-sourced (accessed simultaneously from many sources of information).

In line with current trends on Open Science, this collective work taking place during the Open Lab, will lead to a publication that will serve as a guide and/or framework that can be further implemented at an individual and/or institutional level.

Central questions which the ICDE OER Advocacy Committee and Ambassadors discussed include:

  • How can Open Science support the design, implementation, and validation of formal, non-formal and informal learning environments in innovative ways?

  • What are the main pillars of a proposed common framework for Open Science?

  • What are the possible barriers to supporting Open Science and a proposed common framework?

Time, date and speakers

Topic: Open Science, and Open Educational Resources (OER)

Date/Time: Wednesday 27 October at 15:00 - 16:30 CEST


  • Ebba Ossiannilsson. Chair of ICDE OERAC, Member of the ICDE Board, Vice-President of the Swedish Association for Distance Education (SADE), Sweden

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  • Daniel Burgos. Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR), Spain

  • Xiangyang Zhang. Jiangsu Open University (JOU), China

  • Cristine Gusmão. Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE), Brazil

  • Constance Blomgren. Athabasca University (AU), Canada

All OERAC Ambassadors are co-authors for the submission of this workshop.

Registered participants for the ICDE Virtual Global Conference Week 2021 will receive links to join prior to the launch of the event.


Key outputs from this workshop:

Following the workshop, a summary will be produced containing the main points presented by the presenters and the contributions to the discussion made by the delegates. The resulting publication will serve as a white paper and a guide and/or framework that can be further implemented at the individual and/or institutional level. In addition, the authors plan to publish an article in a scientific journal.