ICDE Study Visit for Nordic members in Toronto


In conjunction with the ICDE World Conference in Toronto, ICDE arranged a study visit for Nordic members to the Chang School of Continuing Education at Ryerson University and the Mars Innovation Discovery Centre.  The purpose was to connect Nordic and North European educational providers with expertise and interest in online, open, flexible and technology enhanced learning with Canadian institutions and innovation hubs who are engaged in digitalisation and learning.

The G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education is Canada’s largest continuing education program with approximately 70 000 enrolments per year. They provide a wide range of study programs where accessibility and flexibility in the learning situation is core. 400 courses are fully online, as well as a range of blended learning provisions. Ryerson Chang School has an interesting collaborative model where students can benefit from connections to other educational institutions, industries, associations and the local community.

The Chang School gave an introduction to zone learning and showed the visiting group a tour around the campus to see the Science Discovery Zone and the Digital Media Zone, the latter is one of Canada’s largest business incubators for Ed Tech start-ups. The study trip included a visit to the Library and Student Learning Centre, where we could see students working and enjoying various, inspiring physical learning spaces.

In the afternoon, the group paid a visit to Mars Innovation Discovery Centre, a non-profit organization that acts on behalf of its members: 15 of Toronto’s top universities, institutions and research institutes, plus the Mars Discovery District, to bring the most promising research innovations to market. The portfolio of companies and technologies can be accessed here.  

Study group photo

Study group photo

Study group photo

3D Printing at Ryerson

3D Printing at Ryerson

Media Zone

Media Zone