Learning Analytics Initiatives


Here you will find a list of learning analytic initiatives.

Open World Learning project by Leverhulme
Open learning gives unprecedented access to information and education and provides support to learners across the globe. However, it is not the technologies themselves that represent the biggest change, but the opportunities for openness that flow from their thoughtful application, in the form of availability of, and access to, formal and informal learning. Without research the changes in learning may exclude the very people who most stand to benefit from them. The Open World Learning (OWL) programme will address, which over a period 2015-2020 will consist of 15 Leverhulme Trust Doctoral Scholarships funded by the Leverhulme Trust, and 3 funded by the Open University. 
Website: http://www.open.ac.uk/iet/main/research-innovation/research-projects/owl 

Apereo LAI
The aims of the Apereo Learning Analytics Initiative (Apereo LAI) are to accelerate the operationalization of Learning Analytics software and frameworks, support the validation of analytics pilots across institutions, and working together so as to avoid duplication.
Website: https://confluence.sakaiproject.org/display/LAI/Learning+Analytics+Initiative