OER initiatives - country reports from around the world


An initiative to analyse policies for open educational resources (OER) uptake has compiled individual reports for 33 countries. These detail the education system of each country and its OER initiatives.

Most of these reports are now complete, and can be viewed on the POERUP website.

The project, which is supported by the European Commission Lifelong Learning Programme, compares European case-studies with selected non-European case-studies to provide people in charge of developing OER initiatives with different ways of incorporating successful features from other OER initiatives.POERUP advocates for Open Educational Resources (OER) by conducting research and developing recommendations in order to convince decision makers to formulate evidence based policies by looking beyond the borders of their own country.

To view the reports, visit poerup.referata.com

Who is involved in POERUP?

The POERUP Consortium consists of a group of organizations across Europe and Canada, including ICDE members Open Universiteit, the Netherlands; Athabasca University, Canada; University of Leicester, UK; and European Distance and E-Learning Network.

For more information about POERUP, visit the website at poerup.info