Ebba Ossiannilsson

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Member of the Board: 2019 - 2021

Chair of the ICDE OER Advocacy Committee, Sweden

Professor, Dr. Ebba Ossiannilsson is Chair of the International Council for Open and Distance Learning (ICDE) OER Advocacy Committee (OERAC), and as well ICDE OER Ambassador for Global Advocacy. She has worked closely with ICDE in a number of initiatives, such as the first Global Research Study on Quality Models, and the research study on Blended Learning, the State the Nation. Some others which also can be mentioned, are the Quality Network Europe ICDE LangOER, ICDE Operational Network BOLDIC (Nordic and Baltic countries). In addition, she works as ICDE quality reviewer, and is now on the second quality review for U Terbuka Indonesia. She is appointed for the Core Group for the new ICDE Strategic Plan 2020-2023. She has conducted the interview with Paragons, i.e. the one with Börje Holmberg. Professor Ossiannilsson was one of the initiators and serves in the core group for NordFlexOn, which will be hosted by ICDE.

Professor Ossiannilsson is a quality reviewer for the European Association for Distance Teaching Universities (EADTU), with E-xcellence and OpenUpEd, and she was in the Ed Board of the two manuals (3rd Ed.).

With the European Distance E Learning Network (EDEN) Professor Ossiannilsson has been in EC since 2014 and she is chairing the EDEN Special Interest Group on TEL and Quality Enhancement. Professor Ossiannilsson is an EDEN Fellow, EDEN Council of Fellows. In addition, she is an Open Education Europa Fellow, and Open Education Europa Ambassador.

Professor Ossiannilsson is working with the European Commission as expert and evaluator on various initiatives such as the Digital Skills Compass project and the initiative to promote open online learning opportunities for workers in Europe, just to mention two. For Joint Research Center (JRC) she has contributed and worked as a quality expert for the open education framework. Furthermore, she is a mentor with Open Education Policy Forum.

Professor Ossiannilsson contributes as international keynote speaker and she in the Ed Board for several journals in this field. Her list of publications in the field of open education is extensive.

Professor Ebba Ossiannilsson has almost 20 years of national and international experience in the field of open education, advocating, lobbying and policy making. At national level Professor Ossiannilsson serves as VP both at the Swedish Association for Distance Learning (SADE) and Swedish Organization for e-Competence (REK) and she is affiliated to Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition Sweden. She has a long reputation from Lund University Sweden, and she carry out consultancy, expert work and quality audits at many national universities. Professor Ossiannilsson was one of the leading parts in Sweden for working on and implementing MOOCs.

Brief vision statement:

I want to contribute to strengthening and supporting individual and institutional members in their roles, strategies and missions towards openness, distance, lifelong learning and lifespan learning for social justice and democracy. ICDE members around the world are facing rapid global challenges and opportunities due to global megatrends, just to name a few, globalization, changing demographics and increasing digitalization. I want to support and improve global partnership, cooperation and member engagement.

With over 80 years of work by the ICDE in this field, much has been achieved to strengthen members, both individuals and institutions, in their work, mission and strategies with openness, distance, lifelong learning and lifespan learning for social justice and democracy. I am committed to work on both the ICDE current and the forthcoming 2020-2023 strategy, along with the SDG. Being in the core group to the ICDE 2020-2023 strategy plan, I am committed to see its developments, and work together with ICDE members, and the ICDE EC to implement it, and to advocate for open education for social justice and sustainability, which is my passion. My special interests are on personal learning, leadership and quality.