Next event on Policies in Open Educational Resources!


Welcome to the ENCORE+ Network event focusing on Policies and Practice in OER!

In this policy event we will explore the current European landscape with regard to Open Educational Resources policy. We will discuss OER policy adoption at the Macro, Meso and Micro levels and consider enabling factors to support mainstream integration of OER in European higher education. We will share Encore+ case studies of organizations successfully integrating OER into their strategies.

Registrations are now open for the event will take place on 30 November at 12:00 CET.

The event is open to all and free of charge.

Moderator: Orna Farrell

Dr Orna Farrell is Assistant Professor specialising in online, blended and open education based in the School of Policy Practice, Institute of Education, Dublin City University (DCU).


Javiera Atenas: Javiera holds a PhD in Education and is a senior lecturer at the centre for excellence in learning and teaching at the University of Suffolk. She is also ILDA's principal researcher, and Senior Fellow of the British Academy of Higher Education. Javiera has a long teaching and research career in open knowledge issues and has worked in Europe, Latin America and the Middle East advising governments, international organisations and universities on policy and curriculum development in education, science and open data. She currently collaborates with UNESCO's Open Education Coalition on open education policy initiatives.

Leo Havemann: Leo studied English, media and cultural studies at the University of Waikato in New Zealand, and went on to teach in higher education both there and in Australia, before moving to the UK in 2000 and working in the technology industry and then in further education (as a librarian and learning technologist). In 2008 Leo returned to higher education, initially as a learning technologist at Birkbeck, University of London, and later joining UCL’s Digital Education team in 2018. He is currently a Programme Development Advisor in the UCL Arena Centre for Research-based Education. He is also a doctoral researcher at the Open University's Institute of Educational Technology, with a focus on open education policies. His research interests include digital and open practices, and the development of critical digital, information and data literacies.

Ahmed Tlili: Prof. Ahmed Tlili is an Associate Professor at Beijing Normal University, China and Adjunct Associate Professor at An-Najah University, Palestine. He is also a Visiting Professor at UNIR, Spain and the Co-Director of the OER Lab at the Smart Learning Institute of Beijing Normal University (SLIBNU), China. He serves as the Editor of Springer Series Future Education and Learning Spaces.

About the project

ENCORE+ is the European Network for OER for all stakeholders engaging in OER, focused on quality, technology, innovation and policy. The events taking place in the fall will touch upon these 4 themes through an agile and defragmented approach. They aim to build a new alliance for Open Education in Europe, exchange knowledge and create collective intelligence on OER.

Any individual, institution or business with an interest in all or any of the 4 themes is welcome to participate.

Please register in the registration form below.

Registration form: