Quality assurance at mega open universities - the case of Universitas Terbuka


The latest newsletter from ICDE member Center for Learning Innovations and Customized Knowledge Solutions (CLICKS) includes a paper about the adoption of Quality Assurance programmes.

The paper includes a case study of fellow ICDE member Universitas Terbuka as a positive example of how a mega open university - one of the largest in the world - has integrated a quality programme in order to ensure constant improvement.

To read the paper in the CLICKS newsletter, visit news.cli-cks.org. The paper begins with an overview of the development of open and distance education universities, with particular reference to mega universities - those with over 100,000 students. It describes the Quality Assurance (QA) programme for Universitas Terbuka, which includes the development of its own internal QA system and then inviting external assessors to conduct an audit of its services. Various university policies that relate and support the role of quality and QA system for better educational programmes are discussed to show that QA is a reliable means to ensure the improvement of an ODL institution.

Table from: Managing Quality Assurance in a Mega University by Tian Belawati and Ojat Darojat, Universitas Terbuka – Indonesia

ICDE Quality Review service

ICDE offers educational institutions the opportunity to initiate an independent, external peer-review of the services they provide.